We all eat and Americans are fortunate to have a highly regulated food industry. A perfect system doesn’t exist however, so consumers need to be aware and knowledgeable about their role in avoiding food born illnesses.
Most food related illness happens at home. You have control over the most common food safety problems by following simple rules: keep it clean, cook it well, keep it cold, and don’t cross contaminate.
Home food preservers have unique food safety issues, and those are incorporated into reliable recipes and guidelines. Look at the recommended Food Preservation Links for more information.
Helpful Food Safety Websites
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
The FDA is the public health agency responsible for protecting American consumers. The FDA monitors and enforces the law. They also provide educational information for consumers and industry.
The Center for Food Safety
The Center for Food Safety (CFS) is a non-profit public interest and environmental advocacy membership organization. Food safety Issues related to genetically altered foods, cloning, food irradiation and other topics are explored on this site.